3 Women Die in Kawasoti Sewage Trench Accident, Locals Demand Mayor’s Resignation

Tension has gripped Kawasoti Municipality following the tragic death of three women who were buried by a mud mound while digging a trench for sewage construction at Phalphul Chowk on Thursday. The victims, identified as 21-year-old Tanmaya Gahamagar, 71-year-old Soti Ran, and 23-year-old Chameli Darlami Magar, were all residents of Kawasoti Municipality-7.

The incident has sparked outrage among locals, who accuse the municipality of negligence. In a wave of protest, residents have smashed both the municipality office and the home of Mayor Bishnu Prasad Busal, demanding his resignation.

“Negligence led to this tragedy, and we want accountability,” said one of the protestors. The demonstration quickly escalated, with locals pelting stones and demanding regulation and oversight from the mayor.

Despite the incident occurring close to a police station, a swift response was notably absent, allowing the situation to deteriorate further. The police eventually dispersed the crowd encircling the mayor’s house, but unrest resumed on Sunday as locals took to the streets again.

The situation further intensified when a scheduled discussion with the victim’s families and the community was marred by the absence of Mayor Busal, leading to heightened aggression among the demonstrators.

Authorities are now facing immense pressure to address the safety concerns and negligence allegations raised by the community. The tragedy has underscored the urgent need for stringent safety protocols in municipal projects to prevent such incidents in the future.


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