A Forward-Looking Budget for Butwal’s Holistic Development

The recently unveiled budget of Rs 2.99 billion for the upcoming fiscal year by Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City is a testament to the city’s ambition and comprehensive planning. Presented by Deputy Mayor Savitradevi Aryal, the budget reflects a balanced approach with a slight emphasis on capital expenditure (51.35%) over recurrent expenditure (48.65%). This balance underscores a commitment to sustainable development and efficient governance.

Prioritizing Health and Well-being
One of the standout features of this budget is its robust focus on health services. The allocation for health is not just substantial but also strategic. With Rs 50 million earmarked for a 100-bed hospital in Butwal-11 through a public-private partnership, and specific funds allocated for new hospitals in Wards 13 and 17, Butwal is making significant strides toward improving healthcare accessibility and infrastructure. The planned physiotherapy hospital and the general hospital will undoubtedly enhance local medical services, reducing the need for residents to seek care far from home.

The Safe Motherhood Program and the enhancements in maternal and child healthcare services, including free blood products and laboratory services, showcase a dedicated effort to improve public health. This focus on health, particularly maternal and child health, is a forward-thinking move that addresses both immediate and long-term needs of the population.

Empowering Education and Youth
The budget’s emphasis on education is equally commendable. Establishing the ‘Mayor Educational Improvement Fund’ to support underprivileged children and the significant Rs 50 million investment in educational infrastructure are steps in the right direction. These initiatives are designed not only to improve educational facilities but also to ensure that education is accessible to all segments of society.

Programs like ‘Educate Daughters, Build Society’ and the various student-focused initiatives reflect a progressive vision. By providing free technical education to female students and increasing meal allowances, Butwal is investing in its youth, aiming to create a more equitable and educated society. The ‘One Student, One Bank Account’ initiative also promotes financial literacy from a young age, preparing students for future financial independence.

Comprehensive Development and Infrastructure
Beyond health and education, the budget addresses broader development needs. The Rs 165 million allocated for ward development ensures that the growth is balanced and inclusive, covering all areas within the sub-metropolis. The targeted infrastructure funding for Wards 14-19 will facilitate localized improvements, fostering a more cohesive urban development.

Agriculture, Tourism, and Employment
The allocation for agriculture, tourism, and employment highlights a holistic approach to development. By supporting these sectors, Butwal is not only looking to enhance its economic base but also to create job opportunities and improve the quality of life for its residents. These sectors are vital for sustaining economic growth and ensuring that the benefits of development are widespread.

A Visionary Approach
Deputy Mayor Aryal’s presentation of the budget was not just a display of figures but a presentation of a vision. The budget reflects a deep understanding of the community’s needs and aspirations. It is inclusive, progressive, and designed to tackle immediate challenges while laying the groundwork for future prosperity.

In conclusion, Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City’s budget for the fiscal year 2024/25 is a comprehensive blueprint for development. It addresses critical areas such as health, education, and infrastructure while also fostering economic growth through targeted investments in agriculture, tourism, and employment. This budget, if implemented effectively, promises to transform Butwal into a model sub-metropolis, showcasing what thoughtful and inclusive urban planning can achieve.


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