Lawmaker Singh Plans Budget Boycott, Alleges Regional Bias

Independent lawmaker Dr. Amresh Kumar Singh has announced his decision to boycott the upcoming session on the day the national budget is slated for passage. Addressing the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Dr. Singh launched a scathing critique of the budget, accusing it of favoring the home districts of leaders from major political parties.

Dr. Singh emphasized that the budget allocation disproportionately benefits districts represented by the Prime Minister and key ministers, as well as those aligned with coalition leaders. Specifically pointing out allocations to Dhanusha and Jhapa, he highlighted significant funds directed towards these regions, alongside substantial allocations to the Finance Minister’s constituency.

Calling for greater parliamentary oversight and accountability, Dr. Singh demanded that the Speaker compel the Prime Minister to justify what he termed as discriminatory budget practices. “The Prime Minister must answer to Parliament,” he asserted, pressing for a ruling that would require the Prime Minister to address the alleged disparities in budget allocation.

Expressing frustration with what he perceives as a lack of equity in the budgeting process, Dr. Singh proposed a drastic measure should his demands not be met. “If the budget remains under the exclusive control of ministers and the Prime Minister, I urge the Speaker to prohibit next year’s budget from being presented in Parliament,” he declared. “Let the same cabinet pass it without our participation.”

In closing, Dr. Singh affirmed his commitment to his principles, stating unequivocally, “Without a ruling ensuring accountability from the Prime Minister, I will boycott both the budget and the ensuing voting session.”


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