76 Wild Animals of 15 Species Die in Chitwan National Park in Fiscal Year

Chitwan, July 22 — A total of 76 wild animals belonging to 15 different species died at Chitwan National Park (CNP) during the fiscal year 2080/81 BS, with spotted deer being the most affected.

According to Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, Information Officer at CNP, 24 spotted deer were among those that perished, with two being killed by dogs and 22 succumbing to natural causes.

The park also reported the deaths of 21 rhinos, of which 18 died due to natural causes, two were killed by poachers, and the cause of one death remains undetermined.

Furthermore, eight tigers died of natural causes, while six barking deer, five elephants, and four deer also succumbed to natural causes. In addition, two gharial crocodiles died, one due to natural causes, and the cause of the other is still unknown.

Other casualties included two marsh crocodiles, one wild boar, and three animals of unspecified species, all of which died due to natural causes. In total, 70 animals died of natural causes, two were killed by poachers, two by dog attacks, and the causes of two deaths are yet to be identified.

In a related note, the CNP successfully rescued 222 animals during the same period. The highest number of rescues were pythons, with 141 being saved. Other rescues included 33 snakes, 11 tigers, and an equal number of marsh crocodiles. Additional rescues comprised six spotted deer, three rhinos, and two each of deer, boars, leopards, tortoises, and gharial crocodiles. Nine animals from other species were also rescued during the fiscal year.

Information Officer Tiwari highlighted the park’s efforts in animal rescue and conservation, noting the significant number of animals saved despite the challenges faced.


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