Minister Sharma advises technical schools to ensure quality education

Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, has said technical education is the government’s priority.

While inaugurating the 35th anniversary of the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) here today, the Minister said the government indicated its priority to the promotion of technical education through its budget and the common minimum programme as well.

Nepal has abundant skilled human resources, according to the Minister, who believes that the Education Act should also take into account those sections that miss formal education but are skilled.

According to the Minister, the ‘Learning by Earning’ policy is meant for adjusting with the situation when education is becoming expensive in Nepal. She stressed the need of bringing the policy into practice.

Minister Sharma advised technical schools to be selective while running programmes instead of competing to operate programmes randomly, but to leave no stone unturned to make sure of quality education.

She took time to say the government attached priorities to revise the Education Act and Civil Service Act as demanded by federalism.
As the Minister said she is concerned over rising brain drain in Nepal and leading people in the education sector should find out causes behind it.

The Minister utilised the forum to urge employees not to shy away from responsibilities while demanding their professional rights.
Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ram Krishna Subedi, said the government was serious about exploration, development and promotion of technical education.

Medical Education Commission Vice-Chair Prof Dr Shree Krishan Giri and National Planning Commission member Dr Sangita Singh said technical education must be accessible for pupils in rural areas.

CTEVT member secretary Jeeb Narayan Kafle gave his presentation about the CTEVT programmes, budget, policies and progress.

CTEVT Vice- Chair Khagendra Prasad Adhikari shed light on the need of CTEVT and State’s contribution to it.  Some people won the “best performers’ awards on the occasion.


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