‘Where are we headed in terms of preserving the dignity of MPs?’

Nepali Congress (NC) leader Shekhar Koirala has recently voiced his dissatisfaction regarding the removal of a Member of Parliament’s (MP) speech from the parliamentary records. This action was carried out with the consent of both the ruling party and the opposition party, which has raised concerns within the NC.

Expressing his displeasure, leader Koirala particularly emphasized his disappointment with the top leader of his own party who agreed to the removal of the statement. Through his social media platform on Sunday, he openly conveyed his frustration, raising pertinent questions about the implications of suppressing the voices of MPs. He stated, “If we persistently prevent the expression of MPs from reaching a logical conclusion, how long can we continue to conceal the indecisions of the past?”

Leader Koirala further highlighted the removal of audio from the parliamentary proceedings and posed a significant query, questioning the direction in which the preservation of MPs’ dignity is heading. He pondered, “Where are we headed in terms of preserving the dignity of MPs? Shouldn’t our parliament be able to fully exercise the rights granted to it by the Constitution without hindrance?”


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