Madhes always neglected: Leader Thakur

House of Representatives (HoR) Mahantha Thakur has said the Madhes is always neglected, resulting into a wretched situation. He drew government’s attention towards that end.

In a meeting of the House of Representatives on Friday, the lawmaker urged the government to be serious on economic, social and cultural lives in Madhes. He said this while taking part in deliberation on allocations of budget to various ministries.

“Madhes, the land of luminaries like Sita and Janak, is often neglected and overlooked, which consequently leads to a miserable condition. Youths are forced to leave the country due to unemployment,” he said, drawing the government’s attention to the citizenship issue, democratic Madhes movement and border disputes in Madhes.

During the deliberations, lawmaker Pradeep Yadav insisted on improving conditions of prisons across the country. “Prisons are not like correction-homes; they are places for tortures against the government policies.”‘

He sought the attention of Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha towards the prompt need to improve the condition of Birgunj prison.


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