In a tragic incident, two rhinoceroses were brutally killed by smugglers in Chitwan National Park. The lifeless bodies of the rhinos, an 18-year-old female, and a six-year-old female, were discovered in a pit located three and a half kilometers southeast of the Chaparchuli post, situated under the eastern sector of the park.
Ganesh Tiwari, the park’s information officer, revealed that both rhinos were found dead without their horns. The horn of the six-year-old rhinoceros had been deliberately severed, while there was no other significant damage to the larger rhino’s horn.
The information officer stated, “The pit where the six-year-old rhino was found dead is new, while the pit of the other rhino is relatively old. It is estimated that the smaller rhinoceros was placed into the pit about three days ago, and the larger rhinoceros approximately 10 days ago.” Tiwari added that the investigation commenced after details of the incident emerged on Thursday evening.
This marks the first time rhinos in the park have fallen victim to poaching, a stark contrast to the previous occurrences where rhinos succumbed to natural causes. It is a distressing development for Chitwan National Park, which has been a sanctuary for these endangered animals. Notably, two rhinos were killed by smugglers in the Amaltari area last year, highlighting the persistent threat posed by poaching activities in the region.