Minister Sharma Emphasizes Multilingualism for National Unity

In a recent statement, the Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, underscored the importance of promoting multilingualism in Nepal, citing the constitutional recognition of the country as a multilingual nation. Minister Sharma emphasized the need for increased use of mother tongues in all government agencies, stating that these languages play a crucial role in establishing a sense of belonging for diverse communities within the state.

Speaking at the inauguration of the news service dedicated to National (mother tongues) by the National News Agency (RSS), Minister Sharma highlighted Nepal’s transformation into a truly multilingual, multiracial, and multicultural country following political changes. She asserted that all mother tongues spoken in the country should be considered national languages, contributing to the nation’s rich linguistic tapestry.

Minister Sharma clarified the constitutional definition of the state as one with “multiethnic, multilingual, multi-religious, multicultural characteristics” and emphasized the common aspirations of people united by allegiance to national independence, geographical integrity, national interest, and prosperity of Nepal. She stressed that the collective diversity of all Nepali people forms the foundation of the nation.

Reminding citizens of the constitution’s provision allowing provinces to determine languages spoken by the majority of people within their borders, Minister Sharma pointed out the role of the language commission. The commission is actively working to make recommendations and decisions in alignment with linguistic diversity, ensuring that the country’s language policies reflect the aspirations of its people.


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