Rekha Thapa Displeased with RPP, Slams Party Chair

Renowned actress, producer, and politician Rekha Thapa, affiliated with the Rashtriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), has taken to social media to express her discontent with the party’s leadership, particularly targeting party chairperson Rajendra Prasad Lingden.

Thapa, who contested from Morang-3 as an RPP candidate in the last parliamentary election, faced unfavorable results. Currently residing in America and expecting to become a mother next month, she has been actively engaging with her followers on social media. However, a recent “X” post from Thapa has caught the attention of many, suggesting internal strife within the RPP.

In the tweet posted on Tuesday night, Thapa wrote, “Needs the support of Republicans to win the election, ideologically says we don’t need a republic. Runs for the blessings of Republicans soon after gaining the position, ignoring the ideology. People should believe that our… (referring to someone) our country is dearer than life. Harkes.”


The Rastriya Prajatantra Party is a constitutional monarchist and Hindu nationalist political party in Nepal. There is a slogan called “Our king, our country, dearer than our soul” in Nepal that monarchist usually use. In her X, Thapa indirectly used the Nepali word “falano” to refer to the former King Gyanendra.

Analysts speculate that the term “Harkes” used by Thapa may be aimed at her own party chairperson and other cadres. “Harkes” is a term often used by critics to address Dharan Submetro Mayor Harka Sampang on social media.

Thapa’s outspoken opinion on social media indicates a growing discontent within the RPP, potentially affecting the party’s internal dynamics. As she prepares to welcome a new member to her family, Thapa’s political message adds a layer of complexity to the ongoing narrative surrounding the Rastriya Prajatantra Party in Nepal.


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