Government Prioritizes Establishment of Consumer Court, Says Minister Bhandari

Industry, Commerce, and Supplies Minister Damodar Bhandari announced today that the establishment of a consumer court is a special priority for the government in the upcoming fiscal year. This commitment was emphasized during a meeting where Minister Bhandari received a memorandum from the Consumer Rights Protection and Good Governance Department of CPN (UML).

Speaking at the ministry, Bhandari confirmed that the consumer court has been included in the government’s policies and programs, and with the budget allocated, it will be established in the coming year. He acknowledged that despite ongoing market monitoring and other regulatory activities, the ministry’s efforts have not been sufficiently effective. Bhandari asserted that the consumer court would streamline market monitoring, making it more efficient and reliable.

The memorandum, presented by a delegation led by department head Jitu Gautam, included a 15-point agenda demanding the immediate establishment of the consumer court to ensure speedy justice for consumers. Key demands in the memo called for the creation of a consumer-friendly mechanism from producers and importers to consumers, eliminating the inappropriate involvement and profit-taking practices of middlemen across all types of goods and services.

Additionally, the memorandum stressed the need for controlling misleading advertisements, preventing fraud in pricing and measurements, and establishing an effective monitoring mechanism to protect consumer rights.

The establishment of a consumer court is expected to bolster consumer protection and ensure a more transparent and accountable marketplace in Nepal.


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