Nepal-China Joint Military Exercise ‘Sagarmatha Friendship’ Begins in China

The Sagarmatha Friendship joint military exercise between the Nepali Army (NA) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China is scheduled to take place from September 21 to October 1 in Chongqing, China. A squad from the NA left for China on Friday to participate in the exercise, as per the NA Directorate of Public Relations and Information.

This joint exercise, initiated in 2074 BS (2017), aims to strengthen the NA’s disaster management capabilities, improve humanitarian assistance, and enhance its performance in United Nations peacekeeping missions. The training also involves the exchange of expertise on counter-terrorism operations, making it a comprehensive military cooperation between the two neighboring nations.

The 4th edition of the exercise follows a rotational format, with Nepal and China alternating as hosts. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual event was postponed for the past few years. This year’s resumption marks an important step in revitalizing the military collaboration between Nepal and China.

The training will focus on sharing knowledge and best practices in disaster management, peacekeeping mission performance, and counter-terrorism. Both armies will work together to enhance their operational capabilities in these critical areas.

The joint military exercise is part of the NA’s broader goal to improve its skills and efficiency in various areas, including disaster response and humanitarian operations, which are increasingly vital given Nepal’s vulnerability to natural disasters. Additionally, the NA’s participation in peacekeeping missions under the United Nations has been a point of pride for the nation, and these exercises help in sharpening its personnel’s readiness.

Meanwhile, another joint exercise, Pacific Angel, between the NA and the United Nations Army, which began on September 15, concluded earlier today, marking a significant month for Nepal’s military collaborations.

The Sagarmatha Friendship exercise is expected to further solidify Nepal’s defense relations with China while enhancing the NA’s operational and tactical capabilities in a wide range of areas.


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