Yeti Airlines Crash: French expert team begins investigation

A nine-member team of experts from the ATR aircraft manufacturer company in France, which arrived in Nepal to carry out a study about the Yeti Airplane crash that happened on Sunday in Pokhara, has started on-site study.

A team arrived in Nepal on Tuesday and had reached Pokhara city on Tuesday itself.

On Wednesday, the team reached Seti gorge , the place where the plane crashed, inspected the scene and took information about the accident.

The team is being facilitated by the staff of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), security personnel, local residents and others. The team also observed the accident site by flying a drone over the site.

As this is the first accident involving an ATR aircraft in Nepal, the manufacturer is taking the accident very seriously. It has been said that the team sent by ATR will work closely with the government-formed committee which is also investigating the accident.

The five-member committee is led by former secretary Nagendra Ghimire, and includes aviation expert Deepak Prasad Basotla, retired Captain Sunil Thapa, air maintenance expert Ekraj Jung Thapa, and Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Buddhisagar Lamichhane, who serves as the member-secretary of the committee.



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