Assurance Amid Regrets Burdened by Chinese Debt

China, which is carrying the burden of debt to Nepal in various development projects, is still giving assurances of support. Instead of earning income from the projects built with China’s loan assistance, Nepal is facing a loss, and it is seen that Nepal will have a problem in repaying the loan taken from it.

A vivid example of this is the Pokhara Regional International Airport and the Chinese aircraft purchased by the Nepal Airlines Corporation. Similarly, some of the plans that are said to be made with his investment have been stalled for years. However, China is still promising to help Nepal under its influence.

Yuan Jiajun, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, who visited Nepal on Sunday, has given a similar assurance to Nepal.

In a meeting with Speaker Devraj Ghimire on Monday, he assured Nepal of Rs140 million. He did not reveal anything about the purpose of this assistance. During the meeting, he also invited Speaker Ghimire to visit China.

Nepal has been showing reluctance to participate in various Chinese projects since the past. However, China is trying its best to exert its force on it. Leader Yuan’s visit to Nepal is another example of this.

Yuan himself, who is the closest confidant of the Chinese President and General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, has already said that he came to Nepal to fulfill Jinping purpose.

He revealed the matter in a courtesy meeting with Acting Prime Minister and Defense Minister Purna Bahadur Khadka on Sunday.

He said that the main purpose of this visit to Nepal is to make the practical implementation of various projects and programs decided on the occasion of President Xi’s visit in 2019.

While in Nepal, experts in the diplomatic field are of the opinion that China is pretending to help only to expand its influence and should be aware of this at an early stage.

Experts are emphasizing that Nepal should not participate in President Xi’s concept Global Security Initiative (GSI) and Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) along with BRI. They have warned that the implementation of these controversial projects of China will plunge Nepal into a serious geopolitical crisis.

However, China is constantly sending its leaders to Nepal and inviting Nepali leaders to visit China to create pressure for participation in these projects.


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