Balen Shah Awarded ‘KU Research Fellowship’ – Dr. Balen in Three Years!

Balendra Shah ‘Balen’, Mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC), has been granted the prestigious ‘KU Research Fellowship’ from Kathmandu University, allowing him to embark on a journey towards obtaining his PhD degree. The fellowship was awarded based on Shah’s compelling proposal and his insightful presentation.
Shah took to Twitter to share his elation about this significant achievement. In his tweet, he revealed that his doctoral research will center around the vital theme of “Conservation of Newa Heritage Structures to Promote Tourism and Economy.” His research will be conducted under the guidance of the Department of Civil Engineering at Kathmandu University.
With an optimistic outlook, Shah playfully mentioned, “Dr. Balen in three years, guys!” and extended his gratitude to Kathmandu University for bestowing him with this invaluable opportunity to further his academic pursuits.