Bona fide leadership inevitable for country’s prosperity-DPM Shrestha

Deputy Prime Minster and Minister for Home Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha said a leadership with exemplary characters was indispensable for societal transformation and prosperity.

At a programme organized at City Hall Kathmandu, he said citizen can realize change in system only when the people with high morale were established in politics.

“Only change in political system is not adequate. The present day polluted politics needs to be cleansed”, he said, adding, “Societal transformation and nation’s prosperity could be materialized by establishing bona fide and selfless people in politics”.

DPM Shrestha also highlighted the importance of Buddhism education in the making of leadership with high morale. He informed that the Home Ministry was preparing to regularize meditation camps.

Also, on the occasion, deputy mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City Sunita Dangol highlighted the contributions of Dhammawati Guruma to the publicity of Buddhism and social sector. She pledged to extend cooperation in the establishment and operation of Metropolis Dharmakirti Bihar.

At the programme, Dharmakirti Monastery Conservation Fund has announced a Dhammawati Dham Training Project.



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