Eight Elephant Calves Expected at Chitwan National Park Breeding Centre This Year

Eight elephant calves are set to be born at the Elephant Breeding and Training Centre in Chitwan National Park (CNP) at Khorsor this year. Two calves have already been born, while six more are expected soon, according to Mana Puran Chaudhary, Chief of the Training Centre.

Karnalikali gave birth to a male calf on May 25, followed by Himalikali with a female calf on May 29. Devikali, Tirthaman Kali, and Rimjhim Kali are expected to give birth by October 16, while Tamorkali, Loktantrakali, and Chitwankali are due later this year.

Chaudhary explained that the calves will begin training three years after birth. Currently, the Centre houses 11 mother elephants and 10 calves. Since its establishment in 2044 BS (1987 AD), the Centre has welcomed 67 calves. These trained calves are deployed to various posts within CNP to support conservation and park activities.


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