Fanindra Devkota Denied Entry into Gandaki Province Assembly

Gandaki Province Assembly member Fanindra Devkota, affiliated with the Nepal Samajbadi Party (NSP), was barred from entering the province assembly on Wednesday. Marshals prevented Devkota from accessing the assembly hall on the orders of Speaker Krishna Prasad Dhital.

Devkota, who contested elections under the CPN (Unified Socialist) banner, had recently faced disciplinary action from the Maoist Center after supporting a vote of confidence motion initiated by Chief Minister Surendra Raj Pandey, against the party’s directive. Subsequently suspended, Devkota challenged his suspension in the Supreme Court, which issued an interim order in his favor.

The court’s decision was formally registered at the province assembly secretariat on Wednesday. Devkota, in response, met with Chief Minister Pandey and Speaker Dhital to apprise them of the court’s directive.


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