Historic 106-Year-Old Fire Brigade Revived in Lalitpur Metropolitan City

The Lalitpur Metropolitan City has successfully refurbished and brought back into service its historic 106-year-old fire brigade, which had been in disrepair since 042. The fire brigade underwent testing at Pulchowk on Saturday, with Mayor Chiri Babu Maharjan personally inspecting the fire brigade’s capabilities as it sprayed water.

Mayor Maharjan expressed satisfaction with the restoration, stating that the old and dilapidated fire brigade could now throw water up to seven floors. He emphasized that the newly functional fire brigade would play a crucial role in disaster operations within Lalitpur metropolis.

“The fire brigade was in a very old and broken state, but its components were salvageable. After the necessary repairs, we are putting it back into operation. Moreover, we now have an additional device at our disposal for disaster situations,” said Mayor Maharjan.

The fire engine, provided free of charge by a Danish company, was made possible through support from the British government. Previously, it had been stored at Juddha Barun Yantra (JBY), the fire brigade authority in Pulchowk.

Mayor Maharjan recalled his childhood memories of seeing the fire brigade and expressed his determination to restore it once the technician assured him that repairs were feasible. With the revival of this historic fire brigade, the city can now count on an essential asset to tackle emergencies effectively.


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