India’s Assistance Accelerating Nepal’s National Police Training Institute Project

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane, alongside esteemed dignitaries from both Nepal and India, recently conducted a site inspection of the National Police Training Institute in Panauti, Kavre. The delegation, including Indian Ambassador to Nepal Naveen Srivastava, Home Ministry Secretary Ek Narayan Aryal, and Inspector General of Police Basanta Bahadur Kunwar, witnessed the progress firsthand.

The collaborative effort between the governments of Nepal and India was underscored during the visit, with Engineer Rajesh Kumar of the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) providing insightful details about the ongoing construction efforts. Ambassador Srivastava reiterated India’s commitment to completing the project on schedule, commending Nepal’s increased momentum in its contributions.

In response, Minister Lamichhane affirmed Nepal’s dedication to expediting the project’s completion, emphasizing enhanced coordination among stakeholders and a streamlined approach to meet established benchmarks. He assured that the government is fully invested in ensuring timely completion and pledged to prioritize the project’s requirements through comprehensive stakeholder discussions.

Minister Lamichhane’s assurance of ample investment, efficient coordination, and facilitation from the Nepalese government reflects a steadfast commitment to the successful realization of the National Police Training Institute. With India’s unwavering support and Nepal’s proactive approach, the project stands poised to fulfill its objectives and bolster the nation’s law enforcement capabilities.


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