Major General Prem Shahi in Custody

Major General of the Nepal Army, Prem Shahi has been kept in military police custody by the Nepali Army for investigation into his alleged involvement in financial irregularities.
The Nepali Army’s spokesman, Krishna Prasad Bhandari informed epardafas that Shahi, who is going on mandatory retirement from Wednesday due to his age limit, has been detained.
According to spokesperson Bhandari, he was detained as he was accused of corruption in the past and the investigation is pending.
Similarly, Shahi is being taken to Birendra Army Hospital, Chhauni for medical treatment. Shahi was on leave for 15 days.
We have been following Prem Shahi and issues related.
The below are the news to have a glance on:
सेनामा बेथिति–२: प्रधानसेनापति राणाले थुन्न आदेश दिएका उपरथी शाही, उमेर सच्याएर रथी बन्ने दाउमा
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सेनामा बेथिति–३: बेलायतमा देशको नाम राख्ने प्रमुख सेनानी गुरुङलाई अधिकार माग्दा बदेँलको बात
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सेनामा बेथिति–५: यस्तो छ कल्याणकारीदेखि प्रधानसेनापति कोष रकम हिनामिनाको फेहरिस्त
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