‘Meaningful debate on budget must’

Lawmaker Hridayaram Thani has said government and political parties have important role to make debate on budget meaningful.

Taking part in the deliberations on appropriation bill, 2080 in the meeting of the House of Representatives today, lawmaker Thani argued that lawmakers’ interest on parliamentary discussion on budget issues was declining because the questions raised during the discussion are not addressed.

“Many lawmakers are absent today- only empty seats today. Although we discuss, nothing is changed in budget,” he said, wondering why lawmakers are losing interest in debating budget.

The government and political parties should play their roles to garner trust on members of House of Representatives.

Lawmaker Sher Bahadur Kunwar viewed the budget making had to be participatory with the role of lawmakers. “Demands put forth by lawmakers are demands raised by people. In this regard, government failed,” he commented.

Moreover, lawmaker Manbir Rai said minister’s absence in the budget discussion is grave disregard to the parliament. Not only opposition but also the lawmakers from the ruling parties were discriminated in budget appropriation, he blamed.

“Many issues relating to forest are incorporated under the federal ministry,” he said, asking,” What’s the role of province and local level if all things are concentrated in centre?”


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