National Assembly Members Demand Stern Action Against Those Threatening Tribhuvan University Officials

Members of the National Assembly today called for stern action against individuals who have issued threats of physical violence against office-bearers of Tribhuvan University (TU). During the zero hour of the Assembly meeting, NA member Nara Bahadur Bista expressed grave concerns over the threats, which he said raised serious questions about the country’s security situation.

Bista specifically mentioned that a group led by Yogendra Rawal, previously involved in an attack on a TU professor two years ago, has now threatened TU officials. “Threats of violence at an academic institution like a university are deeply concerning. The government must take immediate and stern action against those responsible,” Bista urged.

In the same session, NA member Uday Bahadur Bohara called on the government to urgently repair and maintain the Rapti Highway, which has been damaged by floods and landslides, in order to resume transport services. He highlighted that the disruption has severely impacted the region.

Meanwhile, Narayan Dutta Mishra raised concerns over the plight of more than 500 families affected by floods and inundation in Kailali due to continuous rainfall over the past three days. He urged the government to prioritize rescue operations for those affected.

Madan Kumari Shah (Garima) expressed concern over the increasing frequency of natural disasters, attributing it to excessive exploitation of natural resources. She demanded that the government take immediate steps to mitigate such incidents.

Kamala Panta called on the government to investigate the rising cases of dengue and the spread of cholera, while Rajendra Laxmi Gaire urged the introduction of a special plan to reduce violence against women (VAW).

In addition, Urmila Aryal brought attention to the need for a special plan to reduce road accidents, noting the recent death of Chandra Singh Karki, vice-chairperson of Sarkegad Rural Municipality in Humla district, in a road accident while traveling from Surkhet to Nepalgunj.

Other NA members, including Bhuwan Bahadur Sunar, Krishna Prasad Poudel, and Mohammad Khalid, also raised various contemporary issues, urging the government to take appropriate action.


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