‘Nepal-India Cooperation Key to Advancing “Information and Technology Decade’

Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, has emphasized the crucial role of Nepal-India cooperation in advancing the “Information and Technology Decade,” a strategic initiative announced in Nepal’s budget for the fiscal year 2024/25.

In a high-level meeting held today with Indian Ambassador Naveen Srivastava at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Minister Sharma highlighted the importance of heightened collaboration between Nepal and India to foster the development of the information and technology sector.

Minister Sharma congratulated the newly formed government of India and expressed her sincere commitment to strengthening bilateral ties. She briefed Ambassador Srivastava on the significance of the “IT Decade” initiative, underscoring the necessity of India’s support to realize the ambitious goals set forth in the federal budget.

Ambassador Srivastava reiterated India’s readiness to cooperate and assist Nepal, outlining three primary areas of support: enhancing skills and training, constructing digital infrastructure, and fostering connections with Indian private sector investors in IT startups. He assured that India would provide comprehensive support in these areas to boost Nepal’s IT sector.

Additionally, Srivastava informed the minister about India’s recent measures to ease the availability of mobile SIM cards for Nepali residents in India, a move aligned with previous bilateral agreements. He also addressed ongoing issues, including bandwidth problems, and assured that India is committed to resolving these challenges.

The meeting was attended by senior officials from Nepal’s Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, further solidifying the collaborative efforts between the two nations in the IT sector.


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