None can challenge the republic now: Chairman Nepal
The Chairman of the CPN (Unified Socialist) and former Prime Minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal, declared that the Nepali people would vehemently reject any reinstatement of a monarchy. Speaking at a party program held on Monday, Chairman Nepal emphasized that the federal republic, established through the sacrifices and dedication of the people, is now firmly rooted, and the notion of a monarchy would not be tolerated.
“None can challenge the republic now,” asserted Chairman Nepal, acknowledging the need for addressing faulty provisions in the constitution. While expressing confidence in the republic, he suggested that amendments could be made to rectify any shortcomings.
During his address, Chairman Nepal called for comprehensive reforms in the country’s economic policies, advocating for the modernization of agriculture by integrating agro-products with industry. He stressed the importance of providing incentives to industrialists and entrepreneurs to bolster the national economy and generate employment opportunities.
Addressing the prevalent issue of corruption in the country, the former Prime Minister underscored the significance of good governance as a prerequisite for development and prosperity. Expressing concern over the existing state of corruption, Chairman Nepal highlighted the need for concerted efforts to establish transparency and accountability.
In addition to Chairman Nepal’s remarks, party leaders Nagendra Chaudhary and Kisan Shrestha also spoke at the event, urging party cadres to strengthen the organization by reaching out to villages. They emphasized the importance of grassroots mobilization for building a robust and influential political presence.