Paraguay Expels Chinese Diplomat for Interference in Domestic Affairs

Paraguay has revoked the visa of a low-level Chinese diplomat and ordered his expulsion after he was accused of interfering in the country’s internal affairs by urging lawmakers to reconsider Paraguay’s longstanding diplomatic ties with Taiwan.
The Foreign Ministry announced on Thursday that Xu Wei, part of a Chinese delegation visiting Paraguay for a UNESCO meeting, violated the terms of his visa and engaged in activities deemed inappropriate. Xu was given 24 hours to leave the country.
Xu reportedly met with opposition lawmakers sympathetic to China and advocated for Paraguay to sever ties with Taiwan in favor of Beijing. In a recorded conversation shared with Reuters, Xu argued that aligning with China would benefit Paraguay economically, particularly in agriculture exports.
“Having diplomatic relations with China, you can earn more, save more, lower your costs,” Xu said, adding that Paraguay’s support for Taiwan created a “gigantic gap” in its foreign relations. He emphasized there was no dual approach, saying, “It’s just ‘or’: China or Taiwan.”
Paraguay remains Taiwan’s sole diplomatic ally in South America, a relationship that has hindered the country’s access to Chinese markets, particularly for its lucrative soy and beef exports. China, which considers Taiwan a breakaway province, has sought to isolate the island diplomatically.
The Taiwanese Embassy in Paraguay condemned Xu’s actions, accusing him of attempting to “infiltrate” the country and destabilize its alliance with Taiwan. Taipei has consistently opposed Beijing’s pressure on its allies to switch diplomatic recognition.
Paraguay Defends Sovereignty
“This gentleman had a parallel agenda,” said Juan Baiardi, Paraguay’s Deputy Minister of Administration and Technical Affairs. “He came to engage in internal politics that were not appropriate.” The Foreign Ministry described Xu’s actions as a violation of Paraguay’s sovereignty.
China’s Foreign Ministry has not yet responded to the incident.
Paraguay’s steadfast support for Taiwan has come under scrutiny domestically, particularly from agricultural exporters eager to access the Chinese market. However, the expulsion of Xu Wei underscores the country’s commitment to maintaining its diplomatic stance, despite growing economic pressures.