PM Oli Emphasizes Equal Access to Quality Education for All on National Education Day

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has called for equal distribution of quality education across all sectors of society, highlighting the need to bring marginalized communities, regions, genders, and nationalities into the educational mainstream.

In his message on National Education Day, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of removing inequalities at all levels, particularly at the provincial and local levels, to ensure equal opportunities and benefits for all. He affirmed the government’s commitment to increasing the national budget allocation for education in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and pledged to pass the School Education Bill, 2081, in parliament.

The National Education Day, observed on Ashoj 2, marks the issuance of the “Compulsory and Free Education Act, 2075,” which guarantees the fundamental right to education under the Constitution of Nepal. The day is being celebrated nationwide with the theme: “Knowledge, Science, Skills, Entrepreneurship, and Originality: Partnership and Systemic Competence.”

Prime Minister Oli stressed the importance of coordination between all three tiers of government—federal, provincial, and local—in boosting investments for compulsory and free basic education as well as free secondary education. He urged effective use of existing resources to build a society based on moral character and to create employment opportunities through quality education.

In line with global SDG targets for 2030, PM Oli emphasized the need to enhance the inclusivity and quality of education at all levels, from school to higher education, and called for the development of educational institutions into centers of excellence. He reiterated the role of education in achieving the national aspiration of a “Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali.”


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