PM Prachanda Fearful About Losing Power, Says Gagan Thapa

Gagan Kumar Thapa, the General Secretary of the Nepali Congress, has stated that Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ is apprehensive about the possibility of needing to step down from his position.

Speaking at the 8th foundation day celebration of Lalitpur’s Godawari municipality on Sunday, Thapa mentioned that the Prime Minister’s chair has been unsteady even before his assumption of office.

He asserted that the Prime Minister is anxious about being ousted from his position.

Highlighting the deteriorating state of Nepali politics, Thapa emphasized that the lust for power is evident due to the distortion of political values.

“Our electoral system also needs to be fixed. If not addressed properly, Nepal stands to lose the opportunity it has been given. With only 14-15 years remaining, Nepal is aging rapidly, requiring urgent action. We must mobilize with urgency, with every leader from the Prime Minister to the ward Chairman, acting as if in a state of war. Each day and night, they should operate with the same level of dedication and determination as they would during a crisis such as an earthquake or major disaster. Our attention has been diverted towards sustaining and changing the government, when it should be focused on rescue, rebuilding, and progress,” he emphasized.


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