President Ramchandra Paudel Urges Global Promotion of Nepal’s Adventurous Sports Potential

President Ramchandra Paudel has called on all stakeholders to promote Nepal’s adventurous sports on the global stage, emphasizing the country’s vast potential in this area. Speaking at Sheetal Niwas while welcoming sports journalists and officials from various countries attending the Congress of the Asian Sports Journalists Federation (AIPS Asia), President Paudel urged them to showcase Nepal as a prime destination for sports and athletes worldwide.

“There is immense potential for adventurous sports, high-altitude sports, and ultra-marathons in Nepal,” the President remarked, highlighting the country’s favorable environment for such activities. He also praised Paralympic medalist Palesha Govardhan for elevating Nepal’s global image through her recent success in Paris.

Additionally, President Paudel emphasized the importance of promoting Nepal as the land of Mount Everest and Lord Buddha, underscoring the country’s rich cultural and natural heritage. He commended AIPS Asia for its ongoing efforts to honor top athletes and encouraged them to continue supporting sports excellence.


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