Rajendra Lingden Expresses Fury at Budget, Tears Booklet in Parliament

Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) Chairman Rajendra Lingden made headlines today as he dramatically tore apart the budget booklet from the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport during a heated session in the House of Representatives (HoR).

Lingden, known for his usually composed demeanor, shocked fellow parliamentarians and spectators alike when he took the rostrum to express his frustration with the budget. “Generally, I consider myself an even-tempered person,” Lingden stated, visibly agitated. “But since the day I received the budget booklet, I have been so incensed that I felt like tearing it apart and throwing it away.”

In a rare show of restraint, Lingden opted to tear the booklet on the rostrum but refrained from scattering its pieces, citing parliamentary decorum. “It would be against parliamentary decorum to do so,” Lingden declared, placing the torn booklet on the podium instead.


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