Ram Bahadur Bomjon Found Guilty of Sexual Assault on Minor

In a landmark ruling, Ram Bahadur Bomjon, a controversial spiritual leader known as the “Buddha Boy,” has been convicted of sexually assaulting a minor. District Judge Jivan Kumar Bhandari of the Sarlahi District Court delivered the verdict, finding Bomjon guilty along with his associates Gyan Kumar Bomjon and Jit Bahadur Tamang, who were charged as accomplices.

The case, which stemmed from allegations dating back several years, saw Bomjon arrested by the Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police in Kathmandu earlier this year. Following his arrest, the Sarlahi District Court remanded him into judicial custody pending trial.

The prosecution, led by the Sarlahi District Government Attorney’s Office, presented evidence detailing the assault, which reportedly occurred at Bomjon’s camp. The court is set to announce the sentencing next week, marking a crucial moment in the legal saga surrounding the once revered spiritual figure.


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