SC Demands Additional Documents in Case Against Home Minister

The Supreme Court has issued directives for the submission of additional documents pertaining to the case against Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane. A division bench comprising Justices Manoj Kumar Sharma and Til Prasad Shrestha has mandated the provision of crucial details related to a cooperatives-related case.

The bench’s directives include the retrieval of essential documents such as the complaint registration book concerning the cooperative fraud case at the Kaski District Police Office, along with the charge sheets filed at Kaski Police and the Rupandehi District Attorney’s Office. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has requested the investigation report conducted by the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police.

In a move aimed at comprehensively examining the case, the court has also sought certified copies of statements made by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ and Home Minister Lamichhane in Parliament. This directive underscores the court’s commitment to thorough scrutiny and adherence to due process in matters of national significance.

The ordered submission of additional documents marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing legal proceedings, indicating a meticulous approach by the judiciary towards ensuring transparency and accountability at the highest levels of government.


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