SC Halts Home Minister’s Directive on Volunteer Traffic Enforcers

The Supreme Court (SC) of Nepal has issued an interim order halting the immediate implementation of Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane’s recent directive to authorize volunteers to enforce traffic rules.

The apex court’s decision, announced on Sunday, temporarily suspends the directive that sought to involve traffic rule violators as volunteers on the roads. This directive was part of Home Minister Lamichhane’s initiative to help offenders recognize their mistakes by engaging them directly in traffic management.

The court’s intervention comes amid growing concerns about the legal and practical implications of using untrained volunteers for law enforcement tasks. Critics argued that the directive could lead to misuse of authority and potential conflicts on the streets, compromising public safety.

Home Minister Lamichhane had previously instructed the police to implement this measure as a means to enhance awareness and compliance with traffic regulations. However, with the SC’s interim order, the initiative has been put on hold pending further judicial review.


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