Task Force Formed to Address Transitional Justice Issues

Nepal’s major political leaders have formed a task force dedicated to resolving issues related to transitional justice.

On Thursday, Prime Minister and CPN-Maoist Center Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, CPN-UML Chairman KP Oli, and Nepali Congress (NC) President Sher Bahadur Deuba reached a crucial agreement to address these pressing concerns.

The agreement led to the formation of a task force on Sunday, comprising one member from each of the three leading political parties. This task force is responsible for drafting a proposal for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) bill. According to UML Chief Whip Mahesh Bartaula, the task force includes NC Chief Whip Ramesh Lekhak, Bartaula himself from the UML, and Deputy General Secretary of the Maoist Center, Janardan Sharma.

The mandate of the task force is clear: they are to prepare a comprehensive proposal that includes unresolved issues and present it to the top leadership of the three parties. This proposal will be aimed at reconciling points of disagreement from previous drafts and forging a consensus on the TRC bill.

UML Chief Whip Mahesh Bartaula emphasized the importance of this task force, stating that it will engage in thorough discussions to reconcile differing viewpoints. The ultimate goal is to create a unified and effective proposal that addresses all outstanding issues related to transitional justice.

Transitional justice has been a contentious issue in Nepal, especially following the end of the decade-long civil war in 2006. The establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was intended to address human rights violations and provide justice to victims of the conflict. However, the process has faced numerous delays and obstacles, leading to frustration among victims and civil society groups.

The formation of this task force is a significant step towards overcoming these challenges. With representatives from the CPN-Maoist Center, CPN-UML, and Nepali Congress, the task force aims to build a consensus on key issues and move the transitional justice process forward.


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