Traffic resumes on Prithvi highway after four hours

The Yampa-Aanbukhaireni section of the Prithvi highway which was obstructed by the Yampa Aandhikhola locals over the death of a local person due to truck hit has reopened for traffic after four hours. The irate locals had obstructed traffic on the highway at Yampa Aandhikhola of Bandipur Rural Municipality-5 today.

The road section was obstructed since 10 am and it has been reopened now. The section of the highway has been resumed for traffic after a meeting of the kith and kin of the victim, police and people’s representatives reached an agreement to take action against the culprit and to provide appropriate compensation to the injured. The meeting was convened by Assistant Chief District Officer, Kashiram Gaihre.

At least 11 people were injured when a Muglin-bound truck (Na 4 Kha 1973) hit them at Yampa Aandhikhola in Bandipur Rural Municipality-5 today morning. The truck skidded off and overshot the road hitting and injuring pedestrians on the roadside, said Dhurba Prasad Lamichhane, ward chair of the rural municipality-5.


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