177,985 Students Fail Maths; Science and English Close Behind

The results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) 2080, published on Thursday morning, revealed that the highest number of students failed in the compulsory mathematics subject. According to the results, 177,985 students received NG (non-grade) in mathematics.

Of the 464,785 students who participated in the 10th-grade final examination, only 222,472 (47.86%) managed to secure grades and qualify for further studies. A significant 242,313 students (52.14%) were categorized as non-graded, failing to secure any grades.

Key Statistics:

Absent Students in Mathematics: 8,011

NG (Non-Grade) Distribution by Subject:

Compulsory Mathematics: 177,985 students
Science: 126,933 students
English: 113,383 students
Social Studies: 73,877 students
Economics: 69,416 students
Elective Mathematics: 20,352 students
Environment: 3,511 students

Student’s GPA categories:

68,256 students secured a GPA between 3.20 and 3.60.
78,847 students achieved a GPA between 2.80 and 3.20.
41,177 students earned a GPA between 2.40 and 2.80.
2,950 students qualified for grade 11 with a GPA between 2.0 and 2.40.
Six students received a GPA between 1.6 and 2.

Eligibility for Further Studies:

Students who received NG in any one subject are ineligible to study in the 11th class.

Grade Enhancement Exam:

Scheduled for Shrawan 18 and 19 for students who received NG in up to two subjects.

Students who received NG in more than two subjects will be allowed to take the exams only for the subjects in which they received NG during the examination held in Chaitra.


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