Baloch Activist Denounces Gwadar Fencing Project as Symbol of Oppression

In a recent conference organized by the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) at the Quetta Press Club, Mahrang Baloch, a prominent activist from Balochistan, vehemently criticized the Gwadar Fencing Project, labeling it as a metaphorical prison for the region. The event witnessed a gathering of activists, intellectuals, and scholars, shedding light on Balochistan’s struggle against the encroachment of the Gwadar region, particularly under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Baloch emphasized that the fence around Gwadar wasn’t merely physical but had been symbolically erected since the initiation of mega projects under CPEC. She argued that while development benefits flowed disproportionately to Punjab province, Balochistan faced devastation and neglect, effectively rendering it a military zone.

The activist highlighted the pervasive fear among locals due to CPEC’s impact, contrasting it with the prosperity typically associated with major projects in other countries. She criticized the deployment of a large number of defense personnel in Gwadar, citing it as excessive and unnecessary.

Furthermore, Baloch criticized the lack of transparency surrounding the development narrative in Gwadar, stating that journalists were either obstructed or granted limited access. She dismissed iconic photographs of development in the region as mere publicity stunts, failing to reflect the harsh realities faced by Balochistan’s inhabitants.

The conference concluded with a demand for the Pakistani administration to halt the Gwadar Fencing Project and address the grievances of Balochistan’s people, emphasizing the need for inclusive development and respect for human rights.

The condemnation of the Gwadar Fencing Project by the BYC underscores the ongoing tensions surrounding CPEC and its implications for the marginalized communities of Balochistan, raising pertinent questions about development, security, and autonomy in the region.


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