Exploring Budget Introduction Alternatives Amid Parliamentary Deadlock

In the heart of Nepal’s political arena, a gripping parliamentary deadlock has ensnared the government, with the opposition clashing vehemently over the alleged involvement of Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane in a cooperative fraud case.

Opposition’s Fierce Stand:
The Nepali Congress, backed by other opposition factions, has steadfastly obstructed parliamentary proceedings, demanding the formation of a probe committee to investigate Minister Lamichhane’s purported role in the scandal. This deadlock has thrown the legislative agenda into disarray, with critical decisions looming.

Government-Opposition Talks Stalled:
Efforts to resolve the impasse hit a roadblock as a task force assigned to draft the Terms of Reference for the proposed probe committee grappled with jurisdictional disputes. Despite consensus on the need for investigation, differing interpretations on the committee’s scope have hindered progress.

Budget Deadline Looms:
Adding urgency to the standoff is the impending constitutional mandate requiring the government to present the budget by May 28. With time ticking away, the deadlock threatens to jeopardize crucial financial planning and governance measures.

Options on the Table:

Facing mounting pressure, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal resorted to seeking a vote of confidence on May 20, amidst vehement opposition protests. As the stalemate persists, the government finds itself at a crossroads, contemplating three potential courses of action:

Consensus Building: Striving to defuse tensions, the government aims to broker a compromise with the opposition, contingent upon forming the probe committee.

Forceful Budget Introduction: Should negotiations falter, the government may resort to introducing the budget forcefully, mirroring the Prime Minister’s earlier confidence vote move.

Ordinance Route: In a last-resort scenario, the government could opt to adjourn the parliamentary session and enact the budget via ordinance, circumventing legislative gridlock.

Government’s Stand:
Emphasizing the urgency of resolution, Law Minister Padam Giri underscored ongoing efforts to reconcile differences with the opposition. However, acknowledging the need for contingency plans, Labor Minister DP Aryal confirmed the government’s readiness to explore alternative pathways forward.


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