GB Rai’s Passport Cannot Be Revoked: Passport Department

The Department of Passport has announced that it cannot revoke the passport of Gitendra Babu (GB) Rai, who is alleged to have embezzled funds from cooperative savers and subsequently fled the country.

Rai, the chairperson of Gorkha Media Network, is suspected to be residing in Malaysia after reportedly misappropriating funds from several cooperatives, including Swaranalaxmi in Kathmandu, Suryaodarshan in Pokhara, and Supreme in Rupandehi.

The District Police Office in Kaski had requested the Department of Passport to revoke Rai’s passport to facilitate his return to Nepal to face charges. However, the department has stated there is no legal basis for such an action.

Ramesh Kumar Charmakar, director and spokesperson for the Department of Passports, clarified the department’s stance. “After consulting with legal experts, we concluded that Rai’s passport cannot be revoked under the current circumstances. According to the Passport Act, 2019, a passport can only be revoked on court orders, and thus, we cannot revoke Rai’s passport at this time,” Charmakar explained.

The situation is further complicated by Rai’s former business partner, Rabi Lamichhane, who currently holds the positions of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs. The main opposition party, Nepali Congress, has been obstructing parliamentary meetings, demanding an investigation into Lamichhane’s alleged involvement in the cooperative funds misappropriation.

The case has attracted significant public and media attention, as calls for stricter measures against financial crimes grow louder. However, with the legal limitations on passport revocation, Rai’s extradition remains uncertain.


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