Grill Industry in Nepal Under Threat as Iron Prices Soar

The Federation of Grill and Steel Fabricators Nepal (FGFSN) has sounded the alarm over the surging prices of iron, which are taking a toll on grill industries across the nation. In a press statement released on Friday, the federation highlighted the adverse effects of the price hike on the sector, indicating potential job losses and business closures.

According to the FGFSN, while the international market hasn’t seen a significant increase in the price of blade, the primary raw material for grill products, Nepali markets have witnessed a notable spike. This discrepancy has prompted concerns, with the federation warning that approximately 16,000 workers could face unemployment if the issue persists.

Thulo Babu Shrestha, Chair of the Federation, emphasized the gravity of the situation, noting that over 1,100 grill industries and approximately 1.5 million people dependent on them are at risk. Shrestha stressed that the unexpected rise in prices poses a severe threat to business viability, necessitating urgent government intervention.

The Federation has attributed the price surge to the alleged monopoly of large companies in the industry, expressing serious apprehensions about the impact on grill industries already grappling with the aftermath of COVID-19 and economic slowdowns. It urged the government to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to the sector.

The grill and steel fabrication industries, with an annual business exceeding Rs 50 billion, form a significant economic backbone in Nepal. However, the current predicament threatens to undermine their stability and growth, warranting immediate attention and action from authorities.


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