Nepali Congress to Boycott Gandaki Province Assembly Meeting

The Nepali Congress (NC), the principal opposition party, has announced its decision to boycott the upcoming meeting of the Gandaki Province Assembly. Scheduled for 3 PM on May 24, the assembly gathering faces the absence of NC members as they await a crucial verdict from the Supreme Court.

Nanda Prasad Neupane, the NC’s chief whip for the province, asserted that the party’s participation hinges on the resolution of a significant legal battle. A petition filed by the NC challenging the vote of confidence bestowed upon Chief Minister Khagaraj Adhikari is currently under scrutiny by the highest court in the land.

The dispute stems from CM Adhikari’s purported acquisition of support from 30 assembly members, a move deemed insufficient by NC leaders who argue that the constitutional threshold of 31 votes wasn’t met in Gandaki’s 60-member assembly.

Surendra Raj Pandey, leading the NC’s parliamentary charge in the province assembly, took the matter to the Supreme Court on April 26, contending the alleged unconstitutional nature of CM Adhikari’s vote of confidence.

Neupane emphasized that until the Supreme Court delivers its verdict, the NC will refrain from engaging in any provincial assembly affairs or government activities.


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