Opposition Parties Accuse Speaker of Bias in Escalating Cooperative Issue

In a fervent display of solidarity, opposition parties, led by the Nepali Congress, have escalated their efforts to address the contentious cooperative case, calling for a parliamentary inquiry committee both within the hallowed chambers and on the bustling streets of Kathmandu.

The call for accountability gained momentum as Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) leader Gyanendra Bahadur Shahi raised apprehensions regarding Speaker Devraj Ghimire’s impartiality. Shahi’s remarks came in the aftermath of a House of Representatives meeting, where concerns over the Speaker’s conduct reverberated among opposition ranks.

“Our stance on the cooperative matter remains unwavering,” Shahi asserted, underscoring the opposition’s united front against what they perceive as the Speaker’s failure to discharge his official duties impartially.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda’s confidence vote, despite encountering staunch opposition obstruction, proceeded. However, the incident hasn’t eluded parliamentary scrutiny, indicating a looming confrontation over governance transparency.

With tensions simmering and demands for accountability echoing within the political landscape, Nepal braces itself for potential upheavals as the opposition’s resolve to unearth the truth behind the cooperative case grows stronger by the day.


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