‘PM Prachanda’s Government Will Last Full Term’

CPN-UML Vice-Chairman Bishnu Paudel expressed confidence that the government led by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda will serve its full term.

Speaking during the Prime Minister’s vote of confidence motion, Paudel urged all parliament members to support the vote of confidence.

In his address, Paudel criticized the opposition’s tactics, stating, “What kind of democratic practice is it to obstruct the House even when the Prime Minister, elected by the people, goes ahead to take the vote of confidence? I request you not to do such a thing.” He specifically called on the members of the Nepali Congress, highlighting their previous support for Prachanda. “I request Congress MPs, you have given a vote of confidence to Prachanda earlier. I urge you to continue on that journey,” he added.


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