27 Journalists Killed in Israel-Hamas Conflict

Twenty-seven journalists have lost their lives while reporting on the recent Israel-Hamas conflict. Among these casualties, there are 22 Palestinians, 4 Israelis, and one Lebanese journalist.
The number of journalists who sustained injuries during their coverage in the war zone has reached eight, with an additional nine journalists listed as missing or imprisoned.
Numerous journalists have faced abuse, arrests, and threats. This issue extends beyond Israeli and Palestinian journalists and media, as hundreds of foreign media professionals have also fallen victim to cyber attacks and censorship.
International human rights organizations monitoring the media crisis resulting from the conflict have expressed grave concern about the peril faced by journalists, including ordinary citizens, in conflict-affected areas of the Mediterranean region, particularly in Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine.
The Committee to Protect Journalists has called upon both sides involved in the conflict not to target journalists working in war zones.
Meanwhile, as telephone and internet services remain completely blocked in the Gaza area, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis, civil organizations from various regions and countries dedicated to promoting freedom of expression have jointly issued a statement. They are urging the Israeli government to restore telecom and internet services. Nepal’s Freedom Forum is also among the international civil organizations supporting this demand.