51,637 NOCs Issued in First 6 Months of Fiscal Year

In the first half of the current fiscal year, over 51,000 students have secured their No Objection Certificates (NOC) for studying abroad, as per data from the NOC branch of the Ministry of Education.

Between July 17, 2023, and January 14, 2024, a total of 51,637 NOCs were issued. Notably, 12,075 NOCs were granted to students pursuing education in Canada, making it the most sought-after destination. Australia followed closely with 9,787 NOCs, while Japan, the UK, and the US accounted for 8,567, 6,687, and 5,318 NOCs, respectively.

The NOC branch also facilitated 2,372 students heading to South Korea and 1,312 to India. Impressively, students have sought NOCs for studying in 58 different countries, showcasing a diverse range of educational destinations.

Shantiram Paudel, the head of the NOC branch, revealed that an average of 500 individuals apply for NOCs online each day. The increasing number of NOC applications reflects the growing trend of students aspiring to pursue higher education internationally.


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