Access to Public Toilets in Kathmandu: KMC Enforces No Fee Policy

In a bid to enhance public access to essential facilities, Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has taken a significant step by requesting operators and managers of public toilets to waive fees for users. A recent notification issued by the KMC emphasized that these facilities, established and maintained for the convenience of the public, should be freely accessible without any financial burden.

Currently, individuals utilizing public toilets across the Kathmandu valley are subjected to fees ranging from 5 to 10 rupees. However, the metropolitan authority aims to overhaul this system within the next 15 days, ensuring universal access to sanitation facilities without cost.

KMC is committed to providing the necessary resources, including manpower, materials, and sanitation services, to facilitate the seamless operation of these free public toilets. Operators and managers of toilets functioning on a fee basis have been directed to submit a written proposal to the Public Private Partnership Unit of KMC within the stipulated 15-day period starting May 30.

The city administration has issued a stern warning against the collection of fees for using public toilets, highlighting the prospect of legal consequences for non-compliance.


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