ANNFSU’s Call: Minister Jwala Must Go

The All Nepal National Free Students Union (ANNFSU), a prominent student body affiliated with CPN (UML), took to the streets in protest against Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Prakash Jwala, on Thursday.
The demonstration, which spanned across campuses nationwide, including the Kathmandu Valley, demanded the immediate dismissal of Minister Jwala in connection with the Balkumari incident. Students expressed their outrage over the role attributed to Minister Jwala in the incident.
In a symbolic act of dissent, demonstrators at Nepal Commerce Campus burnt a dummy representing Minister Jwala, vowing to continue their protests until their demands are met. The sentiment was echoed in Tri Chandra College, where similar demonstrations took place on Wednesday.
The actions come in response to findings by an Investigation Commission, which allegedly identified Minister Jwala as the main culprit in the Balkumari incident. ANNFSU remains steadfast in its stance, emphasizing the necessity for accountability and justice in the matter.