Balen Warns Oli: ‘Don’t Create Another Scam to Cover Up Rs 100 Billion Scandal’

Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Balendra Shah (Balen) has publicly criticized CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli, accusing him of misleading the public and concealing a massive financial scandal.

In a strongly-worded Facebook post, Mayor Balen urged Oli to refrain from creating diversions to cover up a Rs 100 billion scam. “Please do not mislead the people by creating another scam to hide the Rs 100 billion scam, honorable KP Oli,” Balen wrote.

Mayor Balen highlighted Oli’s involvement in the controversy surrounding land deals at Jhapa’s Giri Bandhu Tea Estate. “It seems you have reassured those who made advance payments for land in Jhapa’s Giri Bandhu Tea Estate that they would get the same land within two years. Considering your historical involvement in the policy manipulation attempted with the land of Giri Bandhu Tea Estate, it is hard to believe even a leaf moves without your knowledge.”

Balen accused the government of using its power to obscure the Rs 100 billion scandal and divert public attention by converting a pedestrian path in New Road, which the metropolis was constructing, back into a road. “Now it seems the country will finally be built. Even if you are trying to hide your misdeeds and divert attention, it’s good that work is getting done. Use your power to build the Ring Road, the Butwal-Chitwan road, and many other projects like these. We are with you.”

The Mayor warned Oli to ensure the victims of the advance payments are compensated promptly, hinting at potential future political consequences. “After all, you have been to jail before. Thank you,” Balen concluded.

This open confrontation signals escalating tensions between Mayor Balen and Chairman Oli, reflecting the broader political unrest in Nepal. The public awaits further developments as this high-profile dispute unfolds.


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