Chinese Envoy Clarifies Diplomatic Norms Breach to Foreign Ministry

In response to a contentious public statement made by Chinese Ambassador Chen Song regarding Nepal’s relationship with India and its economic situation, Nepal’s Foreign Secretary Bharat Raj Poudyal has summoned Ambassador Song to seek clarification. The controversial remarks, which were made during an event in Kathmandu few days ago, have stirred up criticism and concerns among members of Nepal’s parliament and diplomatic circles.
During a discussion titled ‘China in the global economy and its impact on Nepal,’ Ambassador Chen Song suggested that Nepal should reduce its economic ties with India and strengthen its relations with China, citing trade losses with India and a shrinking manufacturing sector. These remarks have not only disrupted diplomatic decorum but have also fueled tensions between Nepal and its neighboring countries.
Following the controversy, members of both the House of Representatives and the National Assembly vehemently criticized Ambassador Chen Song’s statement, calling for his recall. The International Relations Committee of the Parliament convened a meeting and directed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to request an explanation from the Chinese Ambassador. During the meeting, committee members cautioned Ambassador Song against exceeding his diplomatic boundaries.
Ambassador Chen Song complied with the summons from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday, arriving at the ministry at 4:30 PM and meeting with Foreign Secretary Bharat Raj Poudyal for an explanation. Although the specific details of the conversation remain undisclosed, it is reported that the Chinese Ambassador was advised not to discuss Nepal’s relations with third countries and to express himself diplomatically.
While security personnel at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the ambassador’s visit, no official comments were provided regarding the meeting’s outcome. However, it has been suggested that Ambassador Chen Song exerted pressure on foreign affairs staff to prevent the clarification from appearing in the media.
The controversy surrounding Ambassador Chen Song’s remarks continues to be a topic of discussion in Nepal, highlighting the need for careful diplomacy and adherence to diplomatic norms in international relations.