CPN-US Re-elect Madhav Nepal as Chairman, Ghanashyam Bhusal as General Secretary Unanimously

In a significant development at the ongoing 10th General Convention of CPN Unified Socialists, held in Kathmandu, Madhav Kumar Nepal has been unanimously elected as the Chairman of the party. Alongside him, Ghanashyam Bhusal has been chosen as the General Secretary. The announcement was made on Thursday amidst a backdrop of enthusiastic support from party members gathered at the convention hall.

Former Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal has also been honored with a key leadership role within the party, underscoring a commitment to inclusive leadership and unity among its ranks. The decisions regarding these pivotal roles were met with unanimous approval, highlighting a cohesive approach to leadership selection within the party.

Further decisions regarding other office-bearers and central members are expected to be finalized by Friday, continuing the convention’s agenda of consensus-building and strategic planning for the party’s future direction.

The CPN Unified Socialists, established subsequent to a split from CPN-UML, has been engaged in a rigorous deliberation process since Sunday, culminating in these crucial leadership appointments. The convention remains a focal point for discussions on policy, strategy, and the party’s role in Nepal’s political landscape moving forward.


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